Ad Chatter
Ad Chatter from Adpulp.com features ad news and know-how, plus interviews with prominent guests from the marketing, media, and advertising industries. Show co-hosts Dan Goldgeier and David Burn make, analyze, teach, and talk about advertising.
Ad Chatter
Ad Chatter Season 5, Episode 1: Steve Harrison talks about ad legend Howard Gossage
David Burn and Dan Goldgeier
Season 5
Episode 1
We have a returning guest! Host Dan Goldgeier chats with Steve Harrison about his new book, co-written with Dave Dye, “The Howard Gossage Show – and what it can teach you about advertising, fun, fame, and manipulating the media.”
In this 29-minute podcast, Dan and Steve chat about:
· What made Howard Gossage’s work so unique
· How Howard became famous along with his clients
· What Howard would be doing today if he were still in advertising
Hope you enjoy it!